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“No-one gets in or out of the centre” Adrian shouts into the walkie talkie. Around him beans are scrambling. There is panic in the air. Adrian knows he needs to take control. But how? When caffeine is running high, it can be hard to calm beans down.

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he spies a group of green beans. In a sea of chaos, they’re unfazed and looking as cool as an iced latte. Strapped to their backs are instrument cases and immediately, he realises they are musicians.

He races over and approaches. “Hey guys”, he says and knows he needs to speak almost a whole different language when speaking to the younger bean generation, “Love your drip”, he nods towards the tallest bean wearing a flash pair of trainers and vintage sombrero.

The bean nods back, “Sup?”. Amazing, thinks Adrian – hundreds of panicked beans everywhere and this bean doesn’t even register.

“Well”, Adrian wipes a little crema from his brow. “Everything is a little crazy man. Maybe you’ve noticed?”. The young bean casts a glance.

“Oh yeah”, he says, “What’s happening?”.

Adrian explains to the beans that the centre is in lockdown. No-one in and no-one out until he has caught the jewel thieves who he believes are still hiding in here somewhere, potentially armed with espresso guns.

There is little reaction from the beans as he explains the severity to them. Most are on their phones as he speaks. He wonders if they even know he’s there.

“So – hey – will you help me out?”. The sombrero clad bean nods and not skipping a beat starts texting on his phone. Immediately his crew responds and it is clear he has just texted those around him.

“Sure”, says the young bean, “Just let us know where to set up”.

Adrian shows them to the stage and within moments, they are belting out coffee bean anthems to the crowds. There is a sudden air of calm as the crowd gathers swaying in front of the stage and the beats of Cofe-B’s “WAP-achino” starts to play.

With the centre in order, Adrian summons his team in the centre management office to strategise. Six security beans stand in front of him and two more are at the computer monitors. As he addresses the team, he’s interrupted. “Adrian” says one of the security beans watching the monitors, “You might want to see this”.

As Adrian peers in to view the CCTV footage, his head begins to spin and he grips the back of the chair to steady himself. He can’t quite make sense of what he’s seeing. That can’t be right. It’s impossible.

The footage shows the masked thief reaching into the cabinet to steal the jewel. Zooming in, it reveals his exposed and tattooed forearm. And there, as clear of day is the tattoo. In pretty cursive writing – it’s a name – “Arabica”.

The whole team turns to Adrian as he pulls up his sleeve to reveal the same tattoo. His chief Bob grabs him sternly on the shoulder as he is encircled by the guards.

Is Adrian being framed? How does the security guard prove his innocence and get out of this mess. 

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